• Our philosophy

    Our mission is to make our female and male clients feel good about themselfs and boost their confidence by improving their appearance. We can do this by applying our skills and in-depth knowledge of aesthetics, cosmetology and biomedical sciences to the problem of aging that everyone faces. With the latest techniques and developments in the field of aesthetics, our carefuly selected hi-tech aesthetic equipment and custom-made for each client treatment programs, we believe we can slow down your biological clock.

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    Aesthetics is our passion. We want to emphasize and enhance the beauty of each client – not camouflage it.


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    Our aesthetic practictioner has been trained in top universities and aesthetic academies in Europe.

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    Our treatments are based on medical-grade devices and skincare of the highest standards

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    Your safety is our highest priority. We ensure the highest standard of hygiene & ethics in our aesthetic practice. We are fully trained in first aid and complications.

  • Lutronic Baby Face Laser ™

    The most powerfull fractional sub-ablative laser in the world!


    New and Improved Dermalux LED PhotoTherapy. The most powerful and innovative LED brand on the market.Treat variety of skin concerns in non-invasive way

  • Our Clinic

    botox and fillers in carlow

    Welcome to our aesthetic clinic, where the beauty, wellness and biomedical science come together in perfect harmony. Our clinic is dedicated to helping you achieve your desired aesthetic goals and boosting your confidence through safe and effective cosmetic treatments that are backed by science and peer reviewed medical research. Our highly skilled and educated aesthetic practitioner is dedicated to delivering personalized care and the latest techniques to enhance your natural beauty.


    We understand that everyone's needs are unique, and that's why we offer a wide range of treatments tailored to your individual goals. Our advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment ensure that you receive the most effective and safest treatments available.


    Our practitioner has undergone a rigorous training and continues to educate himself to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in aesthetic medicine. We believe that education is key to providing our clients with the best possible care and results.


    Everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful, and that's why we offer treatments that are accessible to a range of budgets. We encourage you to explore our website and learn more about our services, our team and our commitment to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.


    If you would like to learn more about our aesthetic practictioner click learn more button below or contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more confident, beautiful you.

  • Our Services

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    New and Improved version of Dermalux LED phototherapy for treatment of acne, redness, rosacea, psorisis, aging, dull skin, wrinkles, pigmentation, would healing and pain management.

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    The baby face laser is Sub-ablative and non-ablative resurfacing laser combined with drug delivery system that improves all signs of aging including: pigmentation, acne, scaring, large pores, teture and wrinkles

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    Are you looking to enhance the natural beauty of your lips, enlarge them, reshape them or make them more plump? Either or - we have got you covered!

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    We can help you with lifitng, revitalisation or improvement of your facial countours using dermal fillers. Enhance your your jawline, emphasize the cheeks or extend the chin to harmonise your facial features.

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    Our hi-tech Prometheus 10 Radio Frequency Microneedling device will improve the texture of your skin, reduce the appearance of large pores, fine lines, wrinkles or saggy skin.

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    CE Medical-grade Laser Hair removal with use Fuxion X. Multiwavelength laser device that provides fast, painless, safe and effective pernament hair reduction.

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    Multidimensional approach to skin photo rejuvenation with Glow X. Perfect solution for management of pigmentation, vascular skin, redness, rosacea, acne and ageing skin.

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    We are the first in ireland to introduce AQUAGEN! This device has the strongest hydrogen generator on the market, which transaltes to powerful cleansing, beautiful healthy glowing skin and long term antiaging benefits.

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    Autologus therapies are an effective and safe prodedures used for skin rejuvenation and regenertion. The product is derrived from client's own blood, which makes is an ideal choice for people with allergies.

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    Say NO to stubborn fat. Fat disolving allows for reduction in localised adipose tissue with no downtime.

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    Hair Loss Therapy

    Stop the hairloss, strenghten your hair or improve the rate of hair growth.

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    Skin Boosters

    Proactive antigaging therapies. Improve the quality of your skin, stimulate collagen, improve the colour and nourish your skin with top nutrients.

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    Medical-grade Chemical Peels

    With our medical grade chemical peels you can be sure that skin problems such as pigmentation, acne, skin laxity, uneven tone and trexture are a thing of the past

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    Medical Microneedling

    One of the most accessible treatments for everyone who would like to rejuvenate their skin and improve its overall appearance.

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    We work with carefuly selected skincare products that deliver impecable results, are backed by science and have their effectivness proven by clinical trials.

  • Our Brands

    Skin Ceuticals Skinceuticals
    teoxane, teosyal
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    stylage filler
    croma polynucleotides
    mesoaesthetic peels and skincare
    neauvia filler, neauvia hydrodeluxe skin booster
  • The treatment you were looking for is not on the list?

    Contact us! There is a chance we offer this treatment or palnning to launch it soon.


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